1. LAGGARD (NOUN): (सुस्त): idler
Synonyms: straggler, lingerer
Antonyms: winner, hard worker
Example Sentence:
Ankit was always the laggard who finished in last place.
2. ACQUIESCE (VERB): (मौन स्वीकृति देना): accede
Synonyms: conform, comply
Antonyms: deny, resist
Example Sentence:
I would rather acquiesce to my younger brother’s wish.
3. FLACCID (ADJECTIVE): (शिथिल): nerveless
Synonyms: enfeebled, debilitated
Antonyms: taut, firm
Example Sentence:
The patient’s condition is appearing as flaccid as at first.
4. ABORTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (निष्फल): vain
Synonyms: useless, fruitless
Antonyms: productive, progressive
Example Sentence:
She made an abortive attempt to climb the mountain.
5. CLOUT (NOUN): (प्रभाव): influence
Synonyms: power, dominance
Antonyms: powerlessness, incompetence
Example Sentence:
Ministers often use their clout to get what they want.
6. ANGST (NOUN): (उत्कंठा): feeling of anxiety
Synonyms: agony, apprehension
Antonyms: calmness, confidence
Example Sentence:
A day before the fight, the inexperienced boxer was plagued with angst about losing his first match.
7. ACCOMPLICE (NOUN): (सहकारी): aide
Synonyms: associate, ally
Antonyms: opponent, enemy
Example Sentence:
Priya could not have committed murders in two different towns at the same time unless she had an accomplice.
8. AFTERMATH (ADJECTIVE): (परिणाम): impact
Synonyms: outcome, consequences
Antonyms: source, origin
Example Sentence:
Although the aftermath was daunting, nothing could compare to the moment that the tornado struck the building.
9. BAIT (NOUN): (प्रलोभन): enticement
Synonyms: allurement, attraction
Antonyms: discouragement, repulsion
Example Sentence:
Herrings make excellent bait for pike.
10. BAREFACED (ADJECTIVE): (ढीठ): shameless
Synonyms: apparent, blatant
Antonyms: careful, quiet
Example Sentence:
She revealed his barefaced lies.