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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 05-01-2021

The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 05-01-2021

The Hindu newspaper is treated as the Bible by the various exam aspirants be it Bank Exam aspirants, SSC aspirants, or UPSC aspirants. Reading the editorial section of the newspaper daily has two-fold benefits: (a) It gives the editor’s views on the latest happenings in India and the world, (b) It also helps enhance English vocabulary.

In this blog of “The Hindu Vocabulary December 2020”, we have come up with a list of difficult words taken from the Hindu Editorials, their meanings, synonyms, antonyms, examples (the correct usage of the words)

Read along to understand it better. 

1. PROSPECT (NOUN): (संभावना): hope
Synonyms: likelihood, expectation
Antonyms: viewlessness, dimness
Example Sentence:
There was no prospect of a better day.

2. UNPRECEDENTED (ADJECTIVE): (अभूतपूर्व): unexpected
Synonyms: unmatched, unequalled
Antonyms: normal, common
Example Sentence:
The government took the unprecedented step of releasing confidential aid.

3. FORBEARANCE (NOUN): (सहनशीलता): patient self-control
Synonyms: tolerance, patience
Antonyms: impatience
Example Sentence:
His unfailing courtesy and forbearance under great provocation.

4. NASCENT (ADJECTIVE): (नवजात): budding
Synonyms: growing, developing
Antonyms: developed, mature
Example Sentence:
The Indian space industry is nascent at the moment.

5. KUDOS (NOUN): (प्रशंसा): applause
Synonyms: esteem, praise
Antonyms: dishonour, denunciation
Example Sentence:
The hockey team was given kudos during a celebratory pep rally after they won.

6. JOLT (VERB): (ऐंठना): convulse
Synonyms: disturb, jar
Antonyms: calm, comfort
Example Sentence:
His statement jolted me in my mind.

7. VERBOSE (ADJECTIVE): (वाचाल): wordy
Synonyms: gabby, circumlocutory
Antonyms: concise, succinct
Example Sentence:
He is a verbose man.

8. HERETIC (NOUN): (नास्तिक): schismatic
Synonyms: apostate, pagan
Antonyms: believer, follower
Example Sentence:
As a relapsed heretic, he was left to the secular arm.

9. COVERT (ADJECTIVE): (गुप्त): hidden
Synonyms: undercover, secret
Antonyms: open, known
Example Sentence:
Behind his soft behaviour he has some covert intentions.

10. DEFILE (VERB): (अपवित्र करना): corrupt
Synonyms: degrade, desecrate
Antonyms: honour, praise
Example Sentence:
He tried to defile the system.

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