1. DENOUEMENT (NOUN): (उपसंहार): outcome
Synonyms: upshot, consequence
Antonyms: origin
Example Sentence:
I waited by the eighteenth green to see the denouement.
2. GRIM (ADJECTIVE): (अरूचिकर): stern
Synonyms: forbidding, uninviting
Antonyms: amiable
Example Sentence:
He gave a grim expression to me.
3. ABROGATION (NOUN): (निराकरण): repudiation
Synonyms: revocation, repeal
Antonyms: institution
Example Sentence:
The abrogation of the bogus constitution was very necessary.
4. DEBILITATE (VERB): (दुर्बल करना): weaken
Synonyms: enfeeble, enervate
Antonyms: strengthen
Example Sentence:
Hard drugs destroy families and debilitate communities.
5. ADVERSARY (NOUN): (प्रतिद्वंद्वी): opponent
Synonyms: rival, enemy
Antonyms: ally
Example Sentence:
I beat his old adversary in the quarter-finals.
6. BENIGN (ADJECTIVE): (सौम्य): kindly
Synonyms: kind, warm-hearted
Antonyms: unfriendly
Example Sentence:
His mannerisms are firm yet benign.
7. RECALCITRANT (ADJECTIVE): (अक्खड़): uncooperative
Synonyms: intractable, unmanageable
Antonyms: amenable
Example Sentence:
It is a class of recalcitrant ten-year-olds.
8. BREAKTHROUGH (ADJECTIVE): (उन्नत): advance
Synonyms: development, step forward
Antonyms: setback
Example Sentence:
It was a major breakthrough in DNA research.
9. DECEPTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (भ्रामक): misleading
Synonyms: illusory, illusive
Antonyms: honest
Example Sentence:
He put the question with deceptive casualness.
10. BOHEMIAN (ADJECTIVE): (अपरंपरागत): unconventional
Synonyms: nonconformist, unorthodox
Antonyms: conventional
Example Sentence:
As an artist, you live a bohemian lifestyle.